Episode 91 - Three Ways to Support K12 Education Through the CARES Act – Connected IT Blog

Episode 91 – Three Ways to Support K12 Education Through the CARES Act


Penny Conway, your host, is joined by Pamela Aulakh and Kevin Schmid to today’s episode to talk about the three ways that the CARES Act can support K12 education and how schools are leveraging founding for technology and the work they still have ahead of them. Now that schools are deep into the first half of a new school year, it is interesting to evaluate how things are going for teachers and school administrations.

Host: Penny Conway

Guest 1: Pamela Aulakh, Vertical Alliance Manager for K12. Connection

Guest 2: Kevin Schmid. Public Sector Alliances Manager. Intel.

Key takeaways:

[1:25] Kevin introduces himself.

[2:20] Pam talks about her role at Connection as well as her background in education.

[3:58] Pam and Kevin talk about the current situation of teachers and school administrators while navigating the pandemic.

[6:17] What is the new piece of advice that Connection and Intel have to face the near future’s challenges? 

[8:44].Pam talks about how to chose devices to fill not only the current needs but the future ones too.

[11:34] What are the priorities that can be expected at a national education level in 2021?

[12:02] Digital equity.

[13:30] Kevin dives deep into the topic of device selection in order for students to be more productive and teachers more effective in a hybrid educational environment .

[15:23] Pam talks about the current demand on devices.

[16:56] Pam gives advice for schools to ask for and administer the founding received through the CARES Act.

[17:38] How is Intel working with schools to manage timelines and laborage the CARES act founding?

[19:46] Kevin explains how to approach positively the uncertainty of the near future in regards to education. 

[21:21] Pam explains why the disruption that has occurred in education is not a bad thing at all. 

[23:40] A student’s laptop is now a required instruction material the same way a textbook was.

[25:38] Pam and Kevin share the best ways of reaching them.

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